Spring Fever Rebate – Horizon Hobby

From UMX™ to giant scale, every Horizon Hobby airplane, heli and Spektrum™ air radio is eligible for a 10% rebate.

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To qualify for the rebate, all you have to do is buy any in-stock Hangar 9®, E-flite®, ParkZone® and HobbyZone® airplane, Blade® helicopter, Staufenbiel™ aircraft and Spektrum™ air radio on or between April 8 and April 17.

To be eligible for the 10% off rebate, purchase any in-stock, proprietary, air radio, fixed-wing airplane or helicopter between 12:00AM CST on April 8, 2016 and 11:59PM CST April 17, 2016. Drones, quadcopters, multirotors, distributed brands, pre-order or backorder items are ineligible to receive this rebate. For in-store purchases, receipt must clearly show the date and be initialed by a store representative.